tisdag 27 november 2007

A Matter of Life and Meh...

So, I'm trying to get back to the habit of blogging by writing down things on little pieces of paper, when I get a blog-idea in my head, similar to the procedure of my Space Outlaw blog, which still awaits part two of the Bad Guys essay, I know!

This isn't on the list strictly, but I'll follow the list from this point on. The list mainly composes of things that irritate me beyond reason, so if I come out as a self-opinionated arrogant bitch from these writings, then so be it!

The first of these things I want to write about is Iron Maiden's latest record, A Matter of Life and Death, for no other reason that I weren't that smashed over by it. Which is odd, because I am usually tossing myself off with glee when a new Maiden record/album is announced. As you might have guessed I'm quite a Maiden fan. I have nearly all their records, and theirs are the most numerous from one single band in my collection, with only Therion and Nightwish on close second places.

lördag 16 juni 2007

It's all Splinter's fault...

Hrm, two blogs in about as many days. Weird...

Anyway, I'm writing this because my befuddled mind has clamped its clammy tentacles around a new "faiblesse": Skaven in Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Yup, the rat men.

I have diligently played the poncy pointy-eared pussies (High Elves) for nearly ten years now. The High Elves are arrogant, but they are also reliable, sensible, dependable and a lot of other words that end in -ible. Why on Earth would I suddenly have a change of heart and warm to the scruffy, egocentric, undiscipled and down-right EVIL rat-men of the Old World?

torsdag 19 april 2007

Inside the Third Reich

I'm currently putting the final touches to my Speerography and I've moved into what I prefer to call a virtual minefield of emotions, as the discussion over Speer's guilt can be continued into oblivion and beyond.
But that is a discussion that I in this "little essay" will have with myself more or less. I'll twist and turn the Speerian problem until I'm satisfied, but within a reasonable time limit, of course.

No the reason of this little rant, although Speer-related, is different.
It concerns his autobiography, Erinnerungen (Inside the Third Reich) and its Swedish translation.

torsdag 4 januari 2007

Qoute of the day.

"That's what it's all about, sis. Luck. You gotta have so much luck that four-leaf clovers comes out of your ass!"

--My brother Martin (D34D_L33T)