måndag 24 augusti 2009

As a fellow artist I weep... silently...

If people hadn't figured it out by now, I'm a comic books fan. A dense one, that took a while before she realised what Watchmen were and I grew up on the comics from the mid-90s, what with the Spider-Man Clone Saga (which I liked back then, now I find incredibly silly) and Image Comics' Rob Liefeld.

måndag 17 augusti 2009

Problems of the modern world: HDMI handshakes

So, having gotten myself a functioning PSN ID and all, I decided to download some demos for games I've been interested in. The first one was for Batman: Arkham Asylum, and that worked well enough (great game coming!). The next one was for FUEL.

FUEL demo installed. Play game. Screen goes fucking haywire. The colours kinda "inverted". There's no white colour. All white is black and all black, is well, still black. So it's nigh on impossible to see what's going on on screen.

After some fiddling, I manage to exit the game. No manner of sifting through Settings can change this predicament. I pause my Downloads (FFVII was available as DLC) and reboot. Problem remains.
As a side-note: I am so glad I had installed the winter-nature background theme, as the standard theme would've made it impossible to see anything.

What to do? Well, first, I back-up my game-data, in case I have to reformat the HDD. You never know, and I certainly don't want to lose my 40+ game hours of TESIV. LEGO Indy and Assassin's Creed I can replay, no probs. Same with Prince of Persia. But not TESIV characters.

I go online to check for people with similar problems, as Google is my friend.

Found this:

I tried that and lo and behold! I got my screen back. I had to switch the TV off, not just flit between the input devices (tried that). Turn TV off and then back on.

This is what is called an HDMI handshake-issue, apparently. Essentially, the TV and the PS3 don't understand each other and havoc happens. I'm lucky it could be solved this easily.

Still, it's annoying as feth!

NOTE: I have yet to try all my games since this problem occurred. I'm using ver. 2.80 firmware, but that shouldn't be the problem. It was distinctly an HDMI issue, as the box seemed fine otherwise, downloads continued but the colours went crazy.
TESIV seems to be fine now.

tisdag 4 augusti 2009

Games Day/Golden Demon Chicago bullshit

I have a bunch of stuff coming up, as I have said, but I'm just going to post one quickie first to highlight what has recently happened at Games Day Chicago ('tis the season of fantastic minis again!).

Apparently three minis that were entered (Warhammer Single, WHFB Monster and Open) and subsequently won those categories, weren't entered by the painter of the miniatures, but by a collector who had bought them off the painter. To make matters worse, the painter seems to have been in on this.

It's stuff like this that practically makes me fume from the ears in a comical display of rage and hate. It's keyboard-banging inducing. It just is one step below bribing the judges. Why oh why do people continue doing this and think they won't be found out?

Dave Taylor puts it succinctly at his blog.

One of the minis concerned.

And it's not like the case of the well-meaning collector who entered one of Aña's minis a few years back. He did so in Aña's name at least. This seems like regular cheating.

On a totally different topic: I have finally gotten round to reading Xenology. I recently bought a mic as well and I am thinking of doing something slightly different as far as reviews are concerned. Essentially make it an audio review. And no, I am not Yahtzee or trying to be: I'll be speaking slower.