måndag 22 september 2008

Making fun of Nazis pt. 2

I know what I am suposed to do with my own blog, thank you very much, but when I stumbled upon the following picture, I couldn't resist adding a caption, or rather a text, as it's late and I can't be arsed to open GIMP to meddle with the damn thing.

Reichsminister Speer, during an inspection trip in France, visits a summer camp for midgets.

Smeg knows if this'll be as funny tomorrow morning, but it's funny as hell as of 11 pm, September 22nd, 2008.

EDIT as of Sept. 23rd, 2008. 7.30 PM Nope, still as funny to me. And I've decided to skip on the "Why I am an atheist" blog as it shouldn't really matter. And the other two blogs I want to write are going to be link heavy. Oy vey...

onsdag 10 september 2008

The Prize for Gayest Pose 1937 goes to...

Now, to get down to the chase fast and easy, I am one of the fiercest advocates that the best way to prevent National Socialism aka Nazism from ever rising to power again is by making fun of the hapless pillocks.