tisdag 16 december 2008

A mission statement of sorts:

To piss creepy fanboys off.

Well, of sorts, I say.

Why this all of a sudden, and what fanboys (and a few girls, no doubt)?

onsdag 5 november 2008

A Retrospective on The Sabbat Worlds Crusade background book

The reason I am writing up this retrospective on a couple of years old Black Library background book is that I have Xenology on my reading list, and I aim to review it from a Biologists point of view. To do that, however, I have to get my hand back in on reviewing shit. I also write this BEFORE watching this week's episode of Zero Punctuation, as I don't want to be "Yahtzee-fied".

So let's kick off, shall we?

måndag 22 september 2008

Making fun of Nazis pt. 2

I know what I am suposed to do with my own blog, thank you very much, but when I stumbled upon the following picture, I couldn't resist adding a caption, or rather a text, as it's late and I can't be arsed to open GIMP to meddle with the damn thing.

Reichsminister Speer, during an inspection trip in France, visits a summer camp for midgets.

Smeg knows if this'll be as funny tomorrow morning, but it's funny as hell as of 11 pm, September 22nd, 2008.

EDIT as of Sept. 23rd, 2008. 7.30 PM Nope, still as funny to me. And I've decided to skip on the "Why I am an atheist" blog as it shouldn't really matter. And the other two blogs I want to write are going to be link heavy. Oy vey...

onsdag 10 september 2008

The Prize for Gayest Pose 1937 goes to...

Now, to get down to the chase fast and easy, I am one of the fiercest advocates that the best way to prevent National Socialism aka Nazism from ever rising to power again is by making fun of the hapless pillocks.

måndag 11 augusti 2008

Fanfiction Corner: TES: Edberry Panic! (first impressions)

I have had this on my To-Do list for a long while now; nearly half a year since I promised the author of this to write a review of it. I warned him of my slightly psychotic manner of reviewing things and that I would not beat about the bush if I saw something that affronted my sensibilities. Seemed to agree to that. So here goes.

torsdag 7 augusti 2008

In which I don't get along with spray-varnish... at all

Spray-on varnish and I have this little understanding. It does what the feth it is supposed to do and I won't throw the can through the damn window for it destroying 20+ hours work of paint-job by blooming.

At least I thought we had.

onsdag 11 juni 2008

In a way, you could call me a pot-head

I have played Warhammer...-esque games for something uptowards ten years now and I have been painting scale miniatures (my fondest memory being getting my hands on an Airfix 1:72 scale Messerschmidt Me 262 Schwalbe at age 10) for many years more. I still have my first Spitfires and Me 109s lying around somewhere.
This means I have a very particular relationship with the paints involved in creating these little pieces of art. Strangely enough, I consider the glue more as a tool than helpful friends, as in the case with my paint pots and brushes.

onsdag 4 juni 2008

School's out for summer

...and the GW blokes are out of their minds.

Qoui? is probably the word flying through your head right now, if you are French/an Eddie Izzard fan.

I have read Mr. Jervis Johnson's litle preview of the 5th ed. Warhammer 40k rules.

And I have serious misgivings about it all.

måndag 2 juni 2008

J-RPGs and their many short-comings...

No, this is not a "reply" to Yahtzee's latest addition in Zero Punctuation.
Though, that being said, I do agree with most of his points in his review of The World Ends with You.

The reason for this post is that I did something similar to what Yahtzee did. I picked up a J-RPG a day or two ago. In my case, it was Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Demon Saga 2.