onsdag 30 september 2009

Golden Grey-a-thon 2009

Now this will come off as shooting myself in the face... But I have to get it off my chest.

So, this year's Games Day UK has come and gone and with it the mini-painting contest of mini-painting contests: Golden Demon UK.

måndag 21 september 2009

This bastard has to burn

EDIT: I received a comment from Hanley himself (not logged in, but I take it on good faith) that he hasn't got anything against fanart as long as people credit him. He also very kindly pointed out that the Teclis one was actually done by Wayne England. I feel stupid for not having noticed...

Still: DeviantART has a strict policy against tracing and copying without crediting the original atrist. And the art contained in the army books are still copyright of Games Workshop Ltd.

Either way, the entry has been edited to suit this new information./EDIT

Okay, I'm for once mad. I mean it! I'm angry.

See, about a year ago, I called out a possible tracer on dA as well as reported the devs in question. Nothing has happen (wow, big surprise!), but the asshole of a copier/tracer still hasn't credited the original artists of his traced work. That's the least the mofo could do!