onsdag 11 juni 2008

In a way, you could call me a pot-head

I have played Warhammer...-esque games for something uptowards ten years now and I have been painting scale miniatures (my fondest memory being getting my hands on an Airfix 1:72 scale Messerschmidt Me 262 Schwalbe at age 10) for many years more. I still have my first Spitfires and Me 109s lying around somewhere.
This means I have a very particular relationship with the paints involved in creating these little pieces of art. Strangely enough, I consider the glue more as a tool than helpful friends, as in the case with my paint pots and brushes.

onsdag 4 juni 2008

School's out for summer

...and the GW blokes are out of their minds.

Qoui? is probably the word flying through your head right now, if you are French/an Eddie Izzard fan.

I have read Mr. Jervis Johnson's litle preview of the 5th ed. Warhammer 40k rules.

And I have serious misgivings about it all.

måndag 2 juni 2008

J-RPGs and their many short-comings...

No, this is not a "reply" to Yahtzee's latest addition in Zero Punctuation.
Though, that being said, I do agree with most of his points in his review of The World Ends with You.

The reason for this post is that I did something similar to what Yahtzee did. I picked up a J-RPG a day or two ago. In my case, it was Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Demon Saga 2.